Comprised of some of the finest classically trained singers in the United States, the mission of the American Spiritual Ensemble is to keep the American Negro spiritual alive.
Since its inception by Dr. Everett McCorvey in 1995, the vocalists have thrilled audiences around the world with their dynamic repertoire ranging from spirituals to classical to jazz and Broadway numbers highlighting the Black experience. The American Spiritual Ensemble is unique in that over 90% of the members are accomplished soloists who have sung in theaters and opera houses world wide, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, Houston Grand Opera, and abroad in Italy, Germany, Britain, Scotland, Spain and Japan. The resulting sound of this group is something that choral groups with two or three featured soloists cannot duplicate.
The American Spiritual Ensemble has presented diverse concerts throughout the United States, Europe and South America and has toured Spain twelve times presenting more than 100 concerts.
“No words …can describe the impact the Ensemble made last night. And the night before that at the MPR dinner. My only wish is that we’d had every music educator in the state of MN in that conference room yesterday afternoon. I feel so bad for any educator who missed that rich, rich experience. But because that wasn’t an MPR event, per se, we only could do just so much to get bodies in the room. Most everyone left the church last night about 6″ off the ground, and I had a helluva time falling asleep last night. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What you do is so incredibly special. The world is a richer place because of you and your Ensemble.” ~ Brian Newhouse – Managing Director, Classical Minnesota Public Radio / American Public Media

Extended Bio (Dr. McCorvey)
Virtual Review
Biography (Eileen Guenther)
The Power of Spirituals
What People Are Saying…
Kansas City, MO
Sewanee, TN
Electronic Press Kit
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